7th Heaven
Animal Rescue Trust
E-mail us to : animalrescuetrust@hotmail.com
Phone: 02894 432229
Address: PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, BT36 9BP

We would love to hear from you, especially about the animals we have homed to you or helped you rehome.
If you want to give us some feedback or let us post pictures of your animals you have given a home to from our charity, please send us details through to our charity e-mail: animalrescuetrust@hotmail.com
Just wanted to send a few pic's and say a massive thank you for our Brian. He's settled in so well it feels like he's always been here.He's such an affectionate wee thing and a massive part of our family life now . You do an amazing thing for all the animals you re-home
Re: Lost Cat
I wanted to say thankyou so much for helping us find her, we did get her back. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your website and all the work you put in to finding other people's pets.
Hi there, its Darren and Minxy here. Just a quick update as its been about a month
I'm just writting to day to thankyou for placing Minxy with me
She settled in the first night really well she has fitted in and it's like she's been here from a kitten
Minxy plays away with her toys she loves a ball of tinfoil she talks to me everyday and she loves a brush and to play at night. Anyways thank you again and I'll be in touch with pics soon
Bingo & Bongo
Thought you would like an update on Bingo & Bongo.
They have settled in really well and are eating well and getting lots of exercise! They are in their pen and house during the day and get out for a couple of hours in the late afternoon to free range and explore and eat grass around the garden. The hens are always curious about them but they get on ok together - there is enough room for them all.
Bingo is very adventurous and did burrow under the fence - we have closed off all possibilities and she seems to have stopped the escape bids now! Maybe we were allowing them too much time free-rage and they got up to mischief. Bongo made a wee nest in the house with her fur but only did this once.
They are a great addition to the household and seem to be happy - thanks so much for rescuing them and bringing them over.
Just a wee update on Muffin, I hope you remember her, we have had her 2 years now and we know she was rehomed and returned to you before we adopted her,whoever returned her to you did us a big favour and they have missed out on a lot of love from a very special cat. She loves to snuggle on our laps to sleep and has her favourite places around the house, my neighbour calls her the ornament in the windows as she does the rounds depending where the sun is.
She loves to play with a piece of string,and her furry mouse. We have never let her outside, as we didnt think she would cope, We felt guilty about this until I read your article, but she is a very contented house cat , she is truly loved and rest assured she will continue to be loved and cared for. She is truly a very special cat. I could go on for ages about her, but am sending a couple of photos just to let you see her again..
Hi Just a wee update on Oscar's progress.As you can see from photos, was introduced to Molly and they have bonded nicely.When chasing each other first you see a flash of black then a flash of tabby,Then they must do an about turn so it is then a flash of tabby followed by a flash of black. It is very funny to watch.He is doing great and is so affectionate, just wants petted & nursed which suits me fine.
Thanks again for this wee treasure, & wishing you all the very best.Take care Ros & Ken
Polly (aka Primrose)
We just wanted to give you an update on Polly a.k.a Primrose. She has been with us about a month now and is settling in beautifully, we are so happy to have her. She is such an affectionate, cuddly, playful and vocal cat, we have great conversations with her, especially around feeding time lol. When we got her home we soon realised her concerns with food, especially when she discovered a fondness for stealing from the kitchen bin and her food cupboard but she has now settled into a good routine with feeding times with the odd cat treat thrown in.
Polly is a joy to have in our home, bringing plenty of fun and cat cuddles. She has found plenty of her favourite spots around the house, especially her radiator bed and loves zipping around the house with her toy mice.We are so delighted to have her in our home and thank you for letting us adopt her. Many thanks, Lisa & Graeme P.s we've attached some photos
Hi just a quick update! Parker is perfect, he is just what we wanted and more! He has settled so well and we love him, he has his own recliner chair in the sun in the peaceful back room. Such an affectionate we man :) thank you soo soo much we are so happy and so is, Nosey Parker :) here are some photos...hope you like them. Thank you again
Just a wee update on Fluffy AKA Oscar ! He has really settled in less than 1 1/2 days was no longer creeping about but trotting about with his little tail in the air. He is so affectionate as as soon as we enter the conservatory he is jumping of 'his' chair and coming onto our knee or squeezing in between us, rolling over and plodding. He has not yet been introduced to Molly as we would like a couple more days just to let him settle in as he hasnt ventured out of the conservatory to the living room yet , even with the door left open. Hi is an absolute treasure & thank you for the privilege of bringing him to our home. He will be well looked after & loved. Many thanks Ros & Ken
Laddie had a wonderful day today and so did we! He loved the park and delighted many people by letting them throw his ball and stroke him. Think we even managed to tire him out by this eve as he lay flaked out beside the table at our dinner time. He is up and bouncing with ball in garden with Sol right now. Hope you havent missed him too much. S x
Twiggy (nee Tiggy)
She is the most unusual cat I have ever had. She has numerous little communicative noises, sighs, meows and purrs an awful lot. She loves to play with a piece of string, all day if she could and loves sitting on window watching world go by. A great wee moggy.
Bill and Bob
Been meaning to do this for a while since we've been
having such lovely dry weather! After winter in a smallish
paddock due to their Houdini impressions (and a few weeks in the dog run
due to hideous mud!) we have had a digger man here and got some fencing done so the boys are now safe, secure and so far escape-free in their big field!! They are absolutely loving life, they've dug a hole about three feet wide and a foot deep and it's their own personal snack cupboard lol. Bill (Pinky) is still the more 'prickly' pig, he's still nervous of being approached from behind or cornered but he does enjoy a good old scratch behind the ears now! Bob is like a dog, if I open the gate and he is out of sight I hear him before I see him, he comes running and grunting to see what I am doing and if there is any food involved haha!
As you can see from the pics they have both put on a good amount of weight - I actually couldn't believe the difference when I saw these old pics. When they came I knew they were thin but I didn't realise how thin! And those horrible scars on their sides from fighting have gone too. Their new round bellies will hopefully mean it's harder for them to squeeze under fences this summer ;)
We get such a lot of enjoyment from them. Most people would probably think that sounds mental but I could easily lose half an hour just watching them pottering about, rooting, play fighting and rolling in the muck. And they are about to get some new neighbours - we are planning to adopt some ex-battery hens in the next few weeks from a place near you. They'll be in the separate paddock to begin with but I am hoping they will all be friends by the end of the summer, I'm making it my mission to get a photo of a hen standing on top of a pig...Hope all is well with you and
yours Claire x
Thank you so much for letting us adopt Jove. He is such a playful, energetic pup but also very nosey! lol.Very fond of meeting new canines on his walks up in the hills with his new brother Whiskey.Always looking for cuddles and kisses and has settled in well.Such a handsome chap!
Bella (the wee blind and deaf kitten)
Just a quick email to let you know that Bella is settling in well. She is very active, mischievous and playful but also loves to snuggle up on a lap contentedly while purring loudly. She is eating heartily and is almost fully litter try trained already. In terms of her difficulties I have to say that this is barely noticeable as she now seems to respond to certain noises while she can chase and pounce on a toy mouse as well as any kitten I have ever seen so she is not letting anything get in her way!
I have attached a couple of pictures for you and will continue to keep you updated as
time passes in the mean time we all
thank you very much for this
beautiful and joyous addition to
our family.
Cleo is very happy to have a big garden to run around and so she is rarely still enough to get a photo!! I am sure she must be a lot younger than 4yrs - she is such a live wire! She has settled in really well now and knows when it is time for a walk and food! One day, she and the cat will get on ok...!She is however a delight to have round the house and with the family and she is great company for me on my walks (a very wet one this morning!) and while I am at home alone!
Just a quick update, Zuki is settling in well. He's found his favourite spots and loves an afternoon nap on the lap, not letting us move for hours :) He even survived his first day (couple of hours) on his own well on Friday.
Walnut is doing great, eats allot and plays with his toys all day, then at night sleeps with us in same bed.Thanks again, he is perfect :-))
Charlie (aka Peter)
I hope you are well and had a lovely christmas. Just wanted to update with a few more photos of charlie! He is keeping well and fully settled now into our famiy and enjoying a pretty easy life of walks and playing!
You rehomed a cat called Mustard with me almost 5 years ago. I hope you still remember her, she had been with you for 8 months and no one would take her because she was very shy and nervous and hid when anyone new came to see her. I love her very much and although she still occassionally hides she is not nervous anymore. She is hugely affectionate and loves nothing better than to climb on me or my partner to get her ears scratched. I will always remember you for giving me the opportunity to look after her and I don't know what I'd ever do without her now. Attached is a recent photo of her in her new favourite spot right next to the radiator. She seems very happy and settled. I am blessed to have her.
Fred says: Well I have been in my new home for a week now and I am settling in nicely.
I go out walking every day but I am still not sure about the traffic.Mummy lets me stand back from the road and just watch the cars go by untilI get used to them. I have met the neighbours and they all think I am so cute! I am enjoying all my yummy food and have sardines and mackrel added in to
make my coat shine. I have been getting presents from friends and family members and my favorite is a shoe which I can chew and clean my teeth. Mummy and I enjoy playing with my toys and
then we relax with me sitting on her knee to have a wee sleep.Fred - also known as Fred the terrorist, Fred Flintstone, Fred Astaire,Freddie Kruger and Freddie Teddie!!!
Hi, thought I would send you some new photos of buddy enjoying the snow!! We have him nearly a year
and it wouldnt be possible to love him more than we do! Thank you and we hope all your little furry
friends find such happy homes!
Jay is getting on well with our two kids, has walks in the park every day and enjoys going on camping trips with us in our old Campervan. She is a beauiful dog, very friendly and loves the kids. Many thanks and good luck with all your work
Rhubarb & Custard
We've attached some pictures of Rhubarb & Custard, they've grown up fast, but they really are part of the family, whenever it's bedtime, Rhubarb goes up up to Tim's laptop and closes it, he loves Tim to pieces, and Custard loves to come on my knee each day and loves being fussed, so different to when we first met him. They're gorgeous, my brother came over to stay and loved them, he was playing with them for hours, Rhubarb loved him, he really missed him when he'd gone.Thanks so much for 2 lovely cats.
Charlie (aka Peter)
I can hardly believe we have only had him for 10 weeks and we really couldnt imagine life without him. He has settled really well and is now used to our routine. We have noticed a real difference in him especially in the last couple of weeks as he looks for our attention alot more and has even started licking us! He is very content and just loves to be in company. On command (and for a treat of course!) he can now sit, lie down, roll over, give paw, give alternate paws and balance on his hind legs giving both paws at once and we are working on 'play dead'! He is doing extremely well with his off lead training too and we have had him off a few times on stormont and on a forest walk. He was hilarious the first time we took him to the beach as i suppose he had probably never seen sand before and just spent most of the time racing around in it.
Really he is a fantastic pet and thank you so much for letting us have him, even the vet said how lucky we were to find him and what a great dog he is!
hope you are well and hopefully see you soon, Claire, Chris & Charlie
Tina & Jess (aka Sienna & Savanagh)
We just got the dogs Sienna, now Tina and Savanagh, now Jess. Tina is really playful and both just LOVE cuddles. They enjoy their walks and both are starting to get lead training, although Jess has slipped out of her harness twice. They always want to chew absolutely everything. Tina enjoys everytime I go out and play football with her. Every day I come home from school and sit down the dogs jump up on me and lick me all over the face and I love it. They are wonderful dogs and I'm glad we got them. I love sitting on a chair cuddling Jess and when I run she just runs by my side. They both cuddle up together when they sleep. Ryan McC
These adorable little pups are now in their perfect home; gettle cuddles all day, walks around parks in Newcastle or just through our estate where they make new friends. They have their puppy classes weekly where they definitely are learning new tricks. Once when I came in after a 7 hour trip, Tina was very hyer jumping up and round seats at practically 50 miles per hour!!! I'd say I love them when they come to meet me after school, but by that time they have met everyone in our family. Chris McC
Miss Purr-fect (Willow)
Just a quick update on her. She is purring away and doing great. Fantastic company and a laugh a minute, even dad is starting to come round to cats when he's out to visit! So glad I was able to adopt her, would be lost without her now.
Just a little update about Daisy ( now called Daisy Boo ).
She's really settled well much to my surprise. She lay in her basket all last night and caused no damage. Loves the fellas, supposed to be my cat but won't leave Stuart & Aaron alone. They love her just as much as I do. Has eaten everything I have gave her. Oh, and she likes kebab meat. Aaron gave her a bit and she begged for more. Been watching out of the windows as you said.Got a fright this morning when she saw next door's dog through the window.
The dog is totally harmless but Daisy Boo flew out of the frontroom. I take it she doesn't like dogs then.Beautiful cat, no complaints, she's just lovely.Sharon & Stuart
Bella and Gracie (aka Gracie and Madge)
Both girls are doing really well, toilet trained and hopefully I think they are enjoying life at home. So glad we picked them both cause I wouldnt have wanted them to be parted. Happy little home with all of them
I am happy to say that she has settled into our home brilliantly. She has become one of the family and we all love her. She is a lovely dog - initially a bit nervy but understandable given the big change in her life. As the days go by, she becomes more confident and just loves being cuddled and loads of attention. She also loves long walks and has loved sunday walks around Hillsbrough lake. We are so lucky to have Poppy in our lives - as you know we lost our Jack Russell Koko after 16 yrs in Feb and Poppy has helped us all move on. I am also pleased to say that she is no longer the fussy eater that she was at first. She is eating well and sleeps well at night. Once again, thank you so much for letting us have Poppy.
Archie's story
Hi everyone at 7th Heaven!! It’s Archie here! You remember me better as Harry. My daddies took me home last April. I want to tell you I’ve been having the bestest time ever since! They changed my name from Harry to Archie because they said it wasn’t special enough for a special guy like me! My home is amazeballs! I have so many places to play, A great family to love and thankfully lots of comfy places to sleep. It’s so hard being me sometimes!
One of my favourite things is to cuddle into my daddies at night. My brother, Demon, usually gets too warm and sleeps on the floor so have all the space to myself (after I finish pushing my daddies out of bed as they sleep). I make sure to thank them every morning for giving me such a brilliant home. I let my brother Demon take charge when i’m not there butI can’t leave him too long. He’s just a silly Husky!!! He’s 5 years older than me but I let him know who’s boss! Big things come in small packages! We like to wrestle everyday and it’s usually how we wake up our daddies in the morning. I think they like it! When we are outside, we run all around the garden. It’s especially fun when I steal a coat hanger from the wardrobe and my daddies try to catch me. They are just too slow!! But sometimes Demon spoils my fun and gets the hanger from me! He’s such a spoil sport!! :( I love bath times!! In fact I love them so much I get in the tub and wait so my daddies will bath me everyday. But they are really mean and only bath me when I need it! Boo! At least they turn the taps on for me to play with if they don’t bath me! The only thing I like better than bathtime is just after I’ve got out of the bath.
I like to play chase with my daddies and make them run after me with the towel before I get everything wet. But they never stop me from soaking the bed!! I get to visit my cousins down in Newcastle every week. They are smaller dogs but my cousin Mini is much older than me so I always do as she tells me. If I step out of line she always tells me off. But I know she loves me really. DJ is lots of fun! He’s the same age as me so we can run for hours and hours and hours!!! More recently that Daddies brought home a smelly cat to join our family. At first I was annoyed I wasn’t the smallest or youngest thing in the house, but once I realised I could play with him, I decided he could stay. Although our daddies tell us off, the favourite thing for me and Bruce to do is run up and down the stairs trying to catch each other. He’s a big cheater though and he jumps on the windowsill so I can’t get him! I tried getting up once but I got stuck and had to cry for my daddies to come save me. Silly cheating cat! He makes up for it by being really soft when he cuddles into me at night! Even though he isn’t a dog, he’s my brother!
They brought home another smelly cat! I now have two comfy purring pillows to sleep!! This is called Charlie and he is an even bigger cheater than Bruce! Tut My daddies got a photo of the time I got stuck on the window! It’s so embarrassing!!!! I also like cuddling up to Demon because he’s really soft and cuddly too; Like a big teddy bear. My daddies tell me he is like that to keep him warm in the snow, but I think he purposefully grew his fur like that to keep me comfy. I’m that special! My daddies bought me my own bed but I prefer sharing with Demon. I also like his bed because I can chew on it when I get bored, which is like all the time!! I wish my daddies could just walk and play with me all day! But for now, 2 walks a day will do I suppose. At least they have plenty of nice things to chew on. Like hangers and shoes and drawers and screwdrivers and yoghurt pots and plant pots and... Demon has also taught me how to do some more tricks like lying down and rolling over. Not quite sure why I have to do it, but I know when I do I get delicious treats like ham or gravy biscuits! Yum! Demon is such a copy-cat! He even sleeps like me now! Big brothers can be so annoying!! Here is me showing Demon how to play at the beach. He was such a silly dog he ran straight into the water and got wet. I showed him that the really brave dogs run towards the water then run away from the waves barking! It shows the waves who’s boss!! He never really got it! Huskies!!! I want to say a big thank you to everyoneat 7th heaven. Without you I would never have found such an amazing home and my daddies wouldn’t have found such a brilliant dog (i.e. me!). I have to run now, my daddy just put on his new trainers so I have to pull on his laces to make sure he has them tied properly! Bye!!! Archie xx
Jazz (aka Nigel)
Hello to all at 7th Heaven, I have attached some photos of Nigel (Jazz) who we adopted in November 2012. He is doing great, a gas little guy with lots of cheeky personality and a bold sideJ He loves his walks and his sleeps and a good play time! He’s enjoying coming into work with me every now and again and visiting the swans in the Forest Park! Thanks again to everyone
She is settling in very well and has a fantastic personality - we have kept her in the living room for the moment and when we are in the room she ventures out from behind the sofa and eventually cuddles and purrs! She still ventures off to hide at noises or when we aren't there, but a new cat bed we got her today has already gone down well, and she jumped into it herself on a chair when in was just put down! She is eating well (we got more lifelines and applause - thank you so much for giving us the food for today!) and getting more adventurous at exploring the room.She has been eating well and has used the litter tray overnight so we are very pleased!We are looking forward to her becoming part of our family and already would miss her if she wasn't here!
Just to let you know that through your help we found Ozzie a new loving home. Thank you so much for all help.
(through Made in Heaven Matchmaking service)
Just a wee note to say thanks for keeping me in mind for a Yorkie.Just got her this morning and she is a great wee dog, Many thanks again. (matchmaking)
Could you kindly remove Blake from the website? Fortunately our circumstances have changed and we no longer need to re-home him.Thanks for all your help, the response and help has been brilliant. Thanks (Matchmaking)
Helen and I have been in touch and she and her little son visited us today. They and Perry got on great. So we have arranged to visit her house next week. So far everyone is happy, including and especially the pup. I will keep you updated on progress.
Thank you so much for putting us in contact I am very happy that this is the perfect family to take care of my wee dog in the future.
Best wishes
Ben has settled in very well indeed.He and Scooby are getting along just fine and he is also getting on well with Max, another wee friend. This is supposed to be MY bed..looks like i got that one wrong.I am so proud of my little man and love him so much.You can rest assured that this is the ONLY home Ben will ever have from here on in.There is no dog which is born perfect.They all have their own little quirks and problems and I will work with any problems Ben may have.If he has problems its because of him being passed about from one person to another and the buck stops here with me.He is a clever boy and anything he doesnt know now, he will learn in the future.
It's been about a year since we got our wee man Ollie from you. As you can see he's chunked up a fair bit lol, and he's no longer the nervous wee mite that hid under the bed for three weeks. He's now a little sheep that follows us around the house and tortures us every morning waking us up with kisses. Just wanted to say thanks again guys for giving us the oppurtunity to give a new home to such a gorgeous little guy and to say good luck and to wish you all the best with the work you do in the future. You're providing these animals with good lives and its a brilliant thing your doing, Christine
Just wanted to send ya a wee update on Ash (formally Gizmo) it's been just over a year and he's turned into a (massive) soft touch! Such a change from the spunky wee kitten hissing and swiping at me. From Kelsy
Just thought you might like an update on Rudi (aka Smudge) who we adopted from you in Oct 2007. Shes just turned 7 & is completely spoilt rotten. Just part of the family really-don't know what we'd do without her. From Victoria
The Gorgeous Cloe (Lampchop)
She's so special here - sleeps beside me every night :)such a snorer!
Update from Rosie and Elf who she took home from us about 2 years ago. Can't tell you how much she loves this wee thing? Apparently he sleeps at her feet every single night and sits on her feet when she gets home from work, and loves his brother Shadow too
Dinky now Dixie
Thought you might like an update on 'Dixie' whom we re homed Aug 2013. Nervous, hyper, did not like anything, people, birds, dogs, plastic bags etc etc.
At first we thought we had bitten off more than we could chew.
A lot of hard work, and a course of classes (forty miles round trip each time) look what we have achieved Dixie and I!
Kennel Club 'Good Citizen' Bronze award!!
So proud of her, not perfect, but she is a pleasure. I hope this may give someone struggling some hope and encourage others to take a chance on rehoming
Hello , a quick update on missy the dog,Missy is fantastic, she is doing so well! She now enjoys long walks on the beach in Newcastle and sitting on the sofa! ! Missy has now took it upon herself to make my bed her new bed and by the morning missy is using all the pillows! So thank you one again for giving us our dream dog! She is a Jem!
Just to say a big thank you. We got Loggie through your matchmaking service and he is just wonderful. It's been a while since we had a dog but this big guy has become a great addition to the family and is spoilt rotten by us all. This is his favourite spot at my feet. Thanks again. It is such a great thing your site does giving a much needed home to a pet is so good x
Aurora & Bruce
The cats are settling in really well and have beem exploring all the nooks and crannies in the house and chilling out!!! Many thanks again
Josie and her owner has just wished us a Merry Christmas. Josie was an older cat who had been with us quite some time as she kept getting overlooked for the younger cats and it didn't help that she was a bit shy initially. Fay saw through this and it looks as if this pair were 'Made in Heaven!' Happy Christmas Josie and Fay. We hope Santa Paws is good to you.
Hiya I thought you would like to see how Todd is doing
He loves sleeping on the bed with me!
So you can see that Todd has settled very well and is very happy here with us!
Thank you very much again for letting us have the beautiful dog Todd.
Timmy Hanna,Toni
and Todd
Steve, Mike, Sheldon & Bruno - 4 degu brothers update
Cleaned out with more treats and toys. Our little grey is an escape artist who bolts for the door at the first sign of it opening! All becoming friendlier and loving their treats.
Update of Candy in new home:
'We re homed Candy and she is getting on great. She loves cuddles and plenty of attention and we are seeing more of her personality come through every day as she settles in more. She is a really gentle, loving cat and I'm thrilled she is living with us. I have attached a picture of her on my knee relaxing in front of the fire last night.She's a wee sweetheart - Louise'
We are so happy for her. Doesn't she look so happy and content? Let's hope all her dreams are sweet ones!
Thank you Louise and family for giving her a good home.
Patience is reunited with Arden
Within paws reach! Brother Arden and sister Patience reunited after homelessness and separation. Now much loved and together again in their forever home
A wee update on rumble for you. She is doing really well she purrs in my face and snuggles her head over my face every night keeping me awake. She has really come out of her shell and rules the house. She got very territorial over the house and any cat sitting on the other side of the window she chases them off by banging the window and hissing at them. We love her to bits even with the sleepless nights thankyou so much.
Hi. You'll be glad to know Bambi settled in almost instantly! You weren't 2 minutes away and she had that dish of food completely demolished. And she has claimed the blanket as you can see :)
She hasn't cried much at all, slept all night and since we have come downstairs she been purring away quite happily.
She a lovely wee cat, thanks so much for everything.
Glenn & Sam
Hi. Piper seems to be settling In well,Lola spooked him a little earlier.I'd say it'll take them a little while to get used to each other and bond, as he's still a little nervous around her.
But other than that, he's been wrapped in cotton wool and has running about investigating since this morning.
Thanks again, he's such a beautiful rabbit, he most certainly will be given all he needs and more.
Clover, Peanut, Coco and Willow
Someone snuck out she couldn't resist sitting on the floor until they came to her! She's the patience of a saint when it comes to animals! She's now laying wrapped in a blanket feeding them rocket and singing to them.
Thank you so so much they are just beautiful and will live a long and happy life in their forever home 😍😍😍
We've received an update from Karen on Dougal
Dougal is a joy to be around. He still loves to sing to the piano being played. He is much more active and is a very loving wee man.
He loves to be close to us and when at the caravan in Fermanagh he lies at the side of my bed until Harvey gets settled them he modes to his side. At home he is John's boy and as soon as one of us is downstairs each morning he moves to outside Johns bedroom to wait on him. He manages the stairs fairly well but he has had a few tumbles when he comes down so we try to always supervise him on the descent. He loves the attention Rachel gives when she calls home from her new home a mile away. Morgi and Dougal get on really well together and are both experts at checking out the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I
He is a very hairy mutt at the present time but due to get coiffured and we love him dearly.
We have just got an update from Molly's owners.
'I thought you would like to know Molly has become an important family member who brings us joy every day. Thanks for everything you have done and for the joy you have enabled us to have with Molly'
We are so glad that Molly has found the perfect home with such a loving family.
Molly was rehomed through our free 'Made in Heaven' Matchmaking scheme
Thank you so much for letting us have Blaze. He is settling well, we had a walk earlier he is very well behaved!
Rupert, the wee feral cat is getting more confident. Just sits and watches us as opposed to scooting off as soon as the door opens.
Daisy is honestly the most affectionate, playful, kind natured little kitten. Couldn't of asked for any better. She loves nothing more than to snuggle in the middle of me & Stephen on the sofa watching TV.
Remy (Matchmaking Service) I just wanted to let you know that everything worked out perfectly. We have all met up and they are lovely people. Remy has left to live with them today and I and extremely confident he has found a wonderful home. I just wanted to thank you so much for your help and patience. You have been a massive help. You have a wonderful website and offer people like me a chance to rehome their dogs happily rather than being forced to give them to the pound. A second chance at a good life!
Roscoe (matchmaking Service) He has been great - in Donegal last week as we were on hols and he had a ball - and now at home he seems very content and really well behaved.
Just thought I would send a message we have had Toby 1 year today and wouldnt be without him thank you xx
Luna (Lotus) has settled into her new so well, she has got really affectionate and loves to be around people.... Thank you for all you done for her before she found her forever home I cant imagine being without her now xxxxx
Archie has been rehomed. I met with Gillian and her family. They were fantastic. Although she is out until 3, she is home st lunchtimes and her newly retired father lives round the corner.
I brought Archie for a home visit and it just felt perfect for him.
I want yo thank you so much, this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done but because of you I am confident Archie has a fabulous home
Thank you